Sunday, August 20, 2006

Ewoks Vs. Jar Jar Binks

When Return of the Jedi came out in 1983, I was a teenager and I hated the Ewoks. I didn't really like the Jedi movie because I thought the Ewoks took up way to much screen time in the movie, and the 1984 Ewok TV movie and mid 80's cartoons were just awful. But when we needed an idea for a costume for Kaden last Halloween, a bear costume ended up being transformed into an Ewok costume so that Kaden could go out with some neighborhood kids who were dressing as Star Wars characters to go out trick or treating. We pulled the cute bear face off of the costume and Sara made a little Ewok vest and voila Kaden's Ewok costume was ready. I guess next year we could dress Kaden up as Jar Jar Binks to continue the tradition of "Star Wars characters I don't like, that Kaden has trick or treated as."

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