Saturday, August 12, 2006


Back in 1994, the 8 year old Fox network brought the world FOX-O-RAMA, a 2 day event filled with all kinds of new television innovations including 3-D, Aroma-Vision, Grumble-Vision and Sheneneh-Vision. 7-11 stores all across the US sold the FOX-O-RAMA kits for just 33¢ plus tax. Each kit contained everything you needed to experience FOX-O-RAMA; 1 pair of 3-D glasses, 2 Living Single scratch 'n Sniff cards and 4 Nerds IV: Nerds in Love scratch 'n sniff cards.
Schedule of Events: Sunday, May 8, 1994: Martin (Sheneneh-Vision) [I have no idea what Sheneneh-Vision was], Living Single (Aroma-Vision), Married... With Children (3-D), and The George Carlin Show (Grumble-Vision). Monday, May 9: Revenge of the Nerds IV: Nerds in Love (Aroma Vision and 3-D scenes).
Being a huge fan of Married... With Children since the very beginning, I was very excited that the eighth season episode "Assault and Batteries" (May 8, 1994) was going to be in 3-D. Since they were not selling the kits here in Canada, I had to drive down across the boarder to pick up my kit (and a pile of extras for all my friends). The episode was pretty good, but the 3-D was just OK. The end credits featured Al and Peg wearing 3-D glasses and looking at the names scrolling by on a screen, and Peg says "I don't get it." The George Carlin Show featured GRUMBLE-VISION, which was nothing more than George reading some of his fans gripes on the air at the end of the episode. I also watched the Nerds movie which had a few 3-D scenes in it, as well as 4 AROMA-VISION scenes. The cards said, enclosed are 8 AROMA-VISION cards. You will be able to experience smells as they happen on TV! Just have your cards ready during Living Single & the Nerds IV: Nerds in Love movie. During the programs, a circle with a number will appear in the lower left corner of your TV screen. Find the matching card, scratch the circle and you will experience AROMA-VISION!!! Remember, don't scratch until you see the number on your TV!
I still have a bunch of unopened FOX-O-RAMA kits and I plan on having a FOX-O-RAMA party some time in the not to distant future. Hopefully the cards haven't lost their Aroma!


  1. Anonymous12:43 AM

    Thank you for this! I have been trying for a long time now to prove my childhood memories were not just a result of getting into the no-no cupboard under the kitchen sink! This really brings back some memories!

  2. Glad I could be of assistance. I was a HUGE fan of Married With Children back then, and when I found out there was going to be a 3D episode, I went crazy with excitement. I drove down across he boarder to the US to get my set of 3D glasses & Scratch N Sniff cards. A bunch of us sat around at watched the shows and got a big kick out it. Good times...

  3. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Hey thank you sooooo much for this!!! Do you know what scenes of Revenge of the Nerds where in 3-D and what where the smells on the cards?

  4. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Dude you rock! Do you know how hard it was to find a picture of these? KILLER!

  5. I still have a shoebox full of these unopened sets if anyone needs them... not sure how good the "Scratch N Sniff" cards will be 15 years later?

    PS. I will gladly trade an unopened Fox-O-Rama set for a pair of the glasses from the recent 3D Chuck episode!

  6. All I remember was the first Living Single card was supposed to smell like cheese.

  7. Anonymous1:13 AM

    It was cool to be able to find this info. It really brings back some memories.

  8. Anonymous11:58 PM

    It wasn't real 3D. Rather the glasses fooled the human eye into thinking it was. The glasses were actually nothing more than color filters -- one passing the color span to the inner-eye "rods" and the other to the "cones." Each has a slightly different persistence of vision and the color filters fooled the human senses. The shows themselves had no special processing and the glasses worked equally well on any show on any station -- including local news broadcasts and the like. If you have the time, put on a pair and try it.

  9. LucyLu3:47 PM

    You're awesome for keeping those!!!!! I've been trying to get my friends to remember that particular episode of Living Single! Now, I know for sure I'm not crazy and I didn't make it up! LoL!

  10. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Would you be interested in selling a few of these?

  11. Do you still have some of these left? I would like a few!
