Thursday, September 28, 2006

Hills Bros Coffee House Menu

Another thing I love collecting is restaurant menus. Here is a great menu from the Hills Brothers Coffee House (1958-1976) at Disneyland. I love the artwork on the front. It looks a lot like the covers of the first few firehouse 5 + 2 records.
The menu is 8 x 10 inches and just 4 pages including the front cover and back cover which is a map of Disneyland. I also love the first paragraph on the inside of the menu "We certainly hope your visit to Disneyland will be an exciting moment in your life. We think it will be, so we invite you to take this Hills Bros. Coffee House menu with you as a souvenir of a happy time--maybe one of the happiest times you have had anywhere." So there you have it, they were actually telling you to take this piece of ephemera home with you!

Don't you love the small authentic coffee stain on the lower right side of the text page, down by the 'Hills Bros Coffee, Inc'. And I'll have one of those 35 cent peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on fruit and nut bread... sounds good doesn't it!
Over at Stuff from the Park you can check out a few photos of the actual coffee house.


  1. Anonymous3:44 PM

    This must have been around 1967-1968. I worked there in 1969-'70. No egg sandwiches then. Roast Beef at $.90, ham at $.80, tuna at $.65 and PJ at
    $.45 was the norm. Boy does this bring back memories. Thanks for posting this!!! :)

  2. Glad you liked it! I love collecting old Disneyland menus. They are a very interesting item that is a great snap shot of time.

    Got any pictures of yourself working there?


  3. Anonymous3:14 PM

    I do. But they are resident with my folks (packed away somewhere) in California and I'm in Oregon. Individual and group shots taken in the Garden area...1970.


  4. Anonymous3:58 PM

    This menu must be from 1958 or early '59 - note the absence of the Matterhorn, Monorail and Submarine Voyage on the map.
