Tuesday, September 19, 2006

My Friend Patty

My friend patty sent me two great photos that I thought I would share, along with a few notes she sent with each shot.

This is the hockey picture of my dad. This was the team that was supposed to be in the '40 Olympics; the war changed all that. My brother coloured my dad blue, just like Kaden's light saber, so that I'd recognize him. As if I wouldn't. He looked the same all his life, and I have his face.
Check out the guy on the far right. That's what happened when there were no helmet rules. My dad was lucky. The only disfigurement he ever got was a chipped tooth.

Here are some thoughts of the Christmas '53 photo. I was younger than two by a couple of months. I think I must have been teaching my older brother, Tom, to print and read; ever the schoolteacher. Look at me checking out the shiny new trike. It was Tom's; he was just under three. I would have liked to switch; I could have turned out to be a race car driver. A contender. I also received the doll in the highchair and the pram. The programming began early in those days. I must admit I was cute in a sulky kind of way.

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