Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Why Paint When You Can Poster

Ok, so I think we have established that I collect just about everything. While going though some old photos, I found this shot of the basement of my old house. As you can see the basement walls were plastered with concert hand bills, flyers and posters. I am a huge metal fan, and in the mid to late 80's I used to go to a few concerts a week. At every show, I would try to come home with an advert for the show. It didn't take long to completely cover the wall(s) of the basement. Seen here are posters promoting song great local Vancouver metals bands; Nitevigil, Pretty Boy Floyd (Later Tommy Floyd), Iron Gypsy, Harlots Webb, Unchained, Nasty, Young Gun, Rival, Genghis Khan as well as some national acts; Ratt, Poison, Jetboy, Iron Maiden, Holy Soldier, Tuff, Precious Metal, Helix, Ramones and more.
Vancouver metal bands, Unchained, Pretty Boy Floyd, Tommy Floyd, Nasty, Young Gun, Nitevigil, Harlots Webb, Rival


  1. Hey! just a heads up that I linked to this post and picture from my very little read blog. Thanks for being an inspiration!

  2. As time went on, I had pretty much filled all 4 walls in the basement with rock flyers/posters. I wish I had taken more photos before they all came down when I moved.
    To this day, I still try to snag a poster whenever I am at a show.
