Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Coaster Mania

Today I was listening to the current Coaster Radio episode "#223 - All Good Things..." in which the hosts were talking about that fact that they were thinking of ending the show after two seasons of weekly podcasts.
I know how hard it can be doing something such as the podcast for such a long time - I did Firehouse Magazine for 18 years! Although I will miss the podcast for which I have become accustomed to listening to each week, I can understand that nothing can last forever. The fact that they could do a weekly podcast (for free no less) for two seasons is to be commended.
If you have any interested in roller coasters and/or theme parks, you will want to check out their site where you can download and listen to the current show as well as all the past episodes.
If you don't know what a podcast is, in simple terms, its a like a radio show that you can download to your computer to listen to any time you want.
And speaking of things that don't last forever, the Scream Machine coaster that was here in Vancouver at Expo 86, was removed shortly after the Expo was over. The Scream Machine was moved to Six Flags St. Louis and is now known as the Ninja.
Here is a great photo of the Scream Machine coaster from a promotional kit I found a few years ago.

A little bit of trivia: The Scream Machine was used for the establishing shots in the "Terror on the Hell Loop 2000" episode of Get A Life, one of my all time favorite TV shows.

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