Monday, October 09, 2006

Supreme Shock Sensation of Our Time!

1n 2004 I read on the internet about a movie called The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra. It was a 2004 movie, but made to look like a 50's B horror movie. I just had to see this movie , but unfortunately it was being shown at a select few movie houses around North America. To my delight it was showing at Tinseltown in downtown Vancouver. I hopped on the skytrain and headed downtown to see this movie. I was not disappointed! It was everything I had hoped it would be and more... terrible sets, goofy lines, cheesy music, and a talking skeleton with wires making it move. What wasn't to like. I liked the movie so much that I joined the Lost Skeleton of Cadavra Yahoo group, and bought the DVD the day it was released. I also made this desktop for my computer using all the fake merchandise they pictured on their official web site. If you still have not seen this movie and you need to get a hold of a copy and see what you're missing!

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