Saturday, June 30, 2007

Some Great Magazine Ads

Here are a couple of the great ads that were in the 1983 issue of Muppet Magazaine. The first is for Disney videocassettes in collectors packages with video and hat. The second ad is introducing Disney RCA VideoDiscs. "A world of Wald Disney, Mr. Rogers, the Muppets, Charlie Brown, "Annie," Star Trek," great educational shows and more. All on your own TV. What's more, the RCA VideoDisc player is so simple to operate, a child can do it. Basic players start at $299. Discs as low as $14.98. And for your kids, the magic goes on and on."
I remember having one of those VideoDisc players. It was great, as when be bought the player, it came with a one year unlimited VideoDisc rental plan. I was able to take as many movies as I wanted, so I would take out 2 or 3 movies a night. I must have watch hundreds of movies that year... some, over and over again!
Funny enough, our family had VideoDisc and Beta. We didn't get VHS until both Beta and VideoDisc had faded into obscurity. When the VideoDisc systems were being dumped by video stores, we bought a bunch of the movies on Disc for next to nothing. I have some great VideoDisc titles in my collection including: The Pirate Movie, Friday the 13th, The Pink Panther, Pink Panther Strikes Again, Gold Finger and A Night at the Opera.

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