Monday, December 03, 2007

Little Golden Book Monday #33

To celebrate our first big dump of snow over the weekend, I have decided to kick off our Little Golden Book Christmas. Over the next few Monday's leading up to Christmas day I will be focusing on Little Golden Books with a Christmas theme. Today's book is Frosty the Snow Man from 1969.
The book is adapted from the song of the same name and retold by Annie North Bedford, with pictures by Corinne Malvern.
I just love how the snowman is supposedly walking in his red boots, even though he has no legs and they boots are not really attached to him in any way.
And much like our large dump of snow was gone this morning when I work up for work, "Frosty the Snow Man has gone away where all snow men go on a sunny day. But he'll be back at your bidding and call whenever great heaps of snowflakes fall."

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