Monday, December 17, 2007

Little Golden Book Monday #35

Today's Little Golden Books is Ho-Ho-Ho Baby Fozzie! by Louise Gikow and illustrated by Lauren Attinello. The book is from 1977 and features what looks like a an early version of Baby Fozzie from the Muppet Babies - the Muppet Babies didn't didn't appear on TV until 1984 and ran until 1990 on CBS.
In the story, Baby Fozzie receives the "Big Book of Jokes" from Santa Claus. Apparently Satnta got Fozzie started early with the lame jokes. Kinda makes you wonder what would have happened if Santa had given him a ventriloquism book instead.


  1. Anonymous2:57 PM

    I am looking for a Little Golden Book called, "Farmer Brown," I believe. A storm comes and all of the animals are scared... something like this... have you heard of it?

  2. I do not have "Farmer Brown". I do have a few LGB that are farm related including "A Day on the Farm" and "The Jolly Barnyard". I will keep my eyes open for a book that fits your description.
    Thanks for visiting my Big Pile of Stuff!
