Monday, February 25, 2008

Little Golden Book Monday #45

Today's Little Golden Book comes from my Son Kaden's collection. He may not even be three years old yet, but already he has a sizable book collection and has many favorites, including this Little Golden Book about Fire Engines.
The book is originally from 1950, and the illustrations are absolutely wonderful. Both myself and my wife had had to read this book many times again and again, as Kaden just can't get enough of the brave fire fighters.
As far as Kaden is concerned, the book has firemen, firetrucks and a firedog... what more do you need in a book?


  1. Anonymous5:37 PM

    I love little golden books! I read them a lot and had a huge collection of them as a child. I wonder what ever happened to them? thanks for the greak posts on these books!

  2. Did you ever write your name on the inside front cover of your Little Golden books? I always wonder where the people are who used to own all the used Little Golden Books I purchase, especially when I see their names written on the inside front cover in the little "This book belongs to" box. I wonder if they know that their book is now on the internet for the world to see!
