Monday, April 07, 2008

Little Golden Book Monday #51

Today's Little Golden Book is actually not a Little Golden Book, but rather a Wonder Book. This 1958 Wonder Book is called "Little Schoolhouse".
This book doesn't have anything to do with Little Golden Books, other than the fact that is is the same size as a Little Golden Book, and I usually see these filed away with the Little Golden Books at most used book shops, thrift shops etc. I also really happy to live the cover of this one. Very "Dick & Jane" don't you think?
I am not sure why these Wonder Books never became as popular at the Little Golden Books. These ones had the something that the others didn't... a washable cover. At least that is what is says on the front and back of this book.
The inside back cover of this book lists other Wonder Books & Treasure Books, including two I am going to keep my eyes peeled for on my thrift store visits; "The Jungle Joke Book" and "The Duck on the Truck", both of which have fun titles and great looking covers.

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