Monday, February 09, 2009

Little Golden Book Monday #75

My son and I have been on a real Warner Brothers cartoon kick lately. It's really cool that my 3 year old would rather watch Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck over Diego, the Wiggles and Franklin when given the choice. He has moved on from Treehouse TV to TeleToon Retro, which is great as I love watching the old Warner Brothers cartoons with him!
In honor of our current Warner Brothers mania, today's Little Golden book is Bugs Bunny. I'm not sure of the print date of this edition, but the copyright is 1949. As is often the case, there doesn't seem to be a print date anywhere obvious in this book, but being as there is a UPC code on the front cover, its obvious that is is not an original 1949 edition.
Here is the text from the inside front page of the book: "This Little Golden Book tells of the pranks of Bugs Bunny, the gay Warner Bros. (Who knew?) mischief-maker who has so ofter delighted movie audiences. Bugs has appeared in four other Little Golden Books, Bugs Bunny's Birthday, Bugs Bunny and the Indians, Bugs Bunny at the Fair, and Bugs Bunny Gets a Job."
Pictured below is one of the two page spreads showing the interior artwork.

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