Monday, February 23, 2009

Little Golden Book Monday #77

Today's little Golden Book is yet another of my thrift shop purchases from two weekends ago. It's a copy of Disney's The Little Mermaid based on 1989's Disney movie of the same name. which was the twenty-eighth Disney animated feature.
I chose this one as today's selection for 3 reasons;
1) It is a Disney related book, which I always love adding to my collection. It fits into two of my collections; Little Golden Books & Disney merchandise... And it has a mermaid on the cover!
2) In the last edition of Little Golden Book Monday I showed the back cover of the Powerpuff Girls book, which I said was one I had not seen very often before. Here again we have pretty much the same back cover, but with a slight variation to the logo in the bottom right hand corner. I am guessing that this back cover was a usual sight on books from the late 80's and/or early 90's, and I just hadn't noticed it until recently.
3) And speaking of dates, this book is one of many that doesn't seem to display a printing date - at least not one that is easily found. I have gone online before looking for info on printing dates for Little Golden Books and have seen all kinds of info, none of which ever seems to help. Here is the inside front cover of this book, where the date should be, but as you can see there is not date to been seen. If anyone can enlighten me as to how to figure out when a book without a date was printed, I would be most appreciative!

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