Sunday, April 05, 2009

Coca Cola King Size bottles

I went down to Seattle, WA on Saturday for the Seattle Comic Convention and had a great time (More about that in a day or two). On the way home we stopped at a 7-11 for some snacks and I found these great Coca Cola King Size bottles in the cooler alongside all the other Coke products. They have a sticker stuck to them which says that they are a product of Mexico. Here in Canad we have had the Coca Cola stuby bottles available on and off for many years, but I have have always wished they would bring back the old 355 mil King Size bottles that I remember from the 70's, so seeing these for sale at a 7-11 made my day. I bought a bunch and put them in the fridge when we got home. Today I popped one open and had it with my hot dogs and chips for lunch. And its true... things go better with Coke!

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