Sunday, August 09, 2009

Batman Circulation Numbers

Batman Detective Comics issue 360I picked up some old Batman and Detective Comics recently. One issue in particular was issue #360 from February 1967. I love the cover on this issue, and the old stories are always lots of fun, but what really interested me was on page 8. It was the Statement of ownership, management and circulation, and in this document are the circulation numbers of Detective Comics along with all kinds of other interesting info.
Batman Detective Comics Direct CurrentsI have always been a bit of a numbers junkie when it comes to minor league hockey attendance, magazine & comic book print numbers, etc. With this 1967 issue, the paid subscribers for Batman's Detective Comics was 2,339. Back in 1999, the paid subscribers for my KISS fanzine, Firehouse Magazine was just over 3,000 paid subscribers. Pretty amazing to think the little magazine I was producing out of my livingroom had more subscribers than Batman - at least compared to the 1967 numbers!Batman Detective Comics Statement of Owenership*As always, click to enlarge*


  1. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Sweet blog man...keep up the good work. I look forward to your posts...

    Dan The Man
    Free Magz

  2. Thanks! Glad to know someone is reading the crap I post ;-)

