Monday, December 14, 2009

Little Golden Book Monday #109

Today's Little Golden Book is The Velveteen Rabbit, adapted from the story by Margery Williams and illustrated by Judith Sutton and published in 1992.
I have never read the story of the Velveteen Rabbit, but could not resist picking it up when I found it at a local thrift shop for just 25 cents. When I flipped though it, this one page stuck out to me. Is it just me or does this scene look like something out of a horror flick?! A couple of clowns, an evil looking flying lion, and one of those mechanical drummer monkeys. The rabbit looks absolutely frozen in fear... or is it just me?

1 comment:

  1. riann1:06 PM

    I'm searching for any version of the Velveteen Rabbit that has a picture of the doctor in it. I know, strange. Kid likes books with doctors in them. Everytime we read our version of Velveteen Rabbit, she (2-year-old) aks where the doctor is...
