Saturday, January 02, 2010

Scratch N' Sniff Colgate Toothpase Packaging

I bought this a year or so ago and kept the box with plans to post it on my blog. Sometimes getting a good photo of something can be a real pain, and the results can be less than desired - just check out the Delgo poster in my last post.
I found this box under a pile of stuff in my office while I was rearranging stuff and thought it was time to take a crack at photographing this toothpaste box. Of the 10 photos I took this is the one that turned out the best. Kinda artsy actually!
Anyway, the reason I bought this toothpaste in the first place was the box. On the front of the box, as you can see from the photo, it has a Scratch N' Sniff spot for you to check out the vanilla mint smell. Like most scratch n' sniff, I didn't really smell much more than cardboard, but then I guess it really didn't matter, as they sold me the tooth paste anyway... cha-ching!

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