Friday, July 30, 2010

Happy 4th Birthday Big Pile of Stuff!

Today marks the 4rd birthday of Ronn's Big Pile of Stuff! The blog was started as a joke when I started to see how many blogs there were out there. I figured at some point there would be more blogs than people, so why not jump in and start my own. My first idea was to do it for one year, and post something every single day during that year. My experiment lasted 75 days, before I forgot to post something one day. I abandoned the idea of posting every day, but continued to post anytime I had something I wanted to share which turns out to be a couple of posts a week. It is great knowing that when I get something new that I am really excited about, I have somewhere I can share it with others who 'may' actually be as excited about it as me!
I have received a few emails over the 4 years from readers telling me how much they enjoy my posts, but I would love to hear from more of you. Use the comment link at the bottom of any post and share your thoughts.
Thanks again for visiting my little corner of the internet. If you enjoy this blog, why not visit a few of my other sites. Find the links to the right under "My Other Stuff". And be sure to check out all of my "Favorite Blogs" also listed to the right. There is am amazing amount of cool stuff out there to be oogled!
- Ronn Roxx Aka the Unfocused Collector

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