Monday, June 20, 2011

Little Golden Book Monday #145

A few days ago the family and I were at a local drug store and while I was waiting to leave I decided to check out their magazine and book section. I had found Little Golden Books there before and as it turned out, they did indeed have exactly one Little Golden Book hidden among all the other kids books. It is a book based on the upcoming Cars 2 movie. I haven't opened it up to check it out, as I am looking forward to seeing the movie this coming weekend.
My copy had a sticker on the front proclaiming "Quality Children's Books, 4-8 years". After scanning the cover, I removed the sticker and luckily it didn't leave any sort of mark. I hate it when they add stickers like this to products that can not be removed without leaving a mark. Don't get me started about Value Village stickers on record albums which can NOT be removed without damaging the cover!

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