Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Girder & Panel Building Set

When I was young, I remember going to a neighbours house and being enthralled with a building set that allowed me to build sky scrappers and other buildings just like a real builder - so the box said. I have been looking for this building set for years and other than seeing it on eBay, I had never seen one for sale in a thrift shop or collectors store. Finally last week I found one at a local thrift shop, and it was pretty much complete in box. I told my son how much fun I had building with it when I was a kid and he couldn't wait to get home and bust it open.
When we got home, we opened it and began to build our sky scrapper. I was enjoying the experience of building my tower up from the ground up, but my son found it frustrating that the parts were hard to snap together, and he got bored rather quickly and then just sat there watching me build. Once I got a good sized tower built, he disappeared and reappeared a few minutes later with a handful of Godzilla action figures. He then sat and waited patiently for me to finish my work. Once I was done, he moved in to begin attacking the building with his army of giant monsters. Once he was done, it seemed like a good time to do some comic book reading, and he found the perfect comic book to read after the giant battle.

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