Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Opryland USA Original Cast Recording

I recently went thrift shop record hunting and came home with some cool stuff. There was lots of Disney records which you can check out on my Disneyland Records blog. There were also lots of non Disney records including the six in the photo above. My favorites being the Magilla Gorilla Tells Ogee the Story Alice in Wonderland from 1965, and the I Hear America Singing, Original Cast Recording from the home of American music, Opryland USA, Nashville, Tennessee from 1973.
I didn't know much about Opryland USA other than I could tell it was some sort of theme park from the photos on the cover of the album. A quick Google search and I found that it was an amusement park located in suburban Nashville, Tennessee, which opened May 27, 1972 and closed December 31, 1997. As well as featuring live music, it also had many rides and attractions including a log flume ride and a couple of coasters.


  1. Lori Martin Barnes2:19 AM

    Loved "I Hear America Singing"! It was an air-conditioned show, so there was always a line. I found your post because I was trying to find a recording for my grandmother who would take the six of us to the park to give my mom a break. Opryland was an amusement park with rides and games and crappy music, but was filled with shows and music, too. The city just couldn't support it and the tourists had to be bussed in to the area. So they tore it down and built an outlet mall.

  2. Great... just what the world needs... another outlet mall.

    Were you able to find a copy of the album online?

