Saturday, September 30, 2006

New Season Saturday Mornings on Kids WB

Being in my 30's I remember fondly my Saturday mornings spent in front of the TV watching all my favorite (and not so favorite) cartoons. As a kid, I always looked forward to the new Fall season of cartoons on the major networks. Things have changed over the years and Saturday morning doesn't have the cachet it did 30 years ago. Flip on the TV some Saturday morning, and I'll bet you have a hard time fining any cartoons. Luckily the WB network is keeping the tradition of Saturday morning cartoon programing going. Just like back in the 70's most of the new cartoons this season are crap. But there are those few that are worth waking up for (or at my age, worth TiVoing).

Here is the two page center spread from the new DC Comics Scooby Doo comic, announcing the new Saturday morning lineup on the Kids WB. All these new cartoons premiered last Saturday morning, and I had my TiVo working overtime to get them all. When I finally sat down to watch them sometime later in the week, I found only 2 of the new offerings worth tuning in to a second time. They are the 4th season of The Batman, and the new series Legion of Superheros. Unfortunately the other new offerings; Tom and Jerry Tales, Shaggy & Scooby Doo Get a Clue, Loonatics unleashed, and Monster Allergy were all mighty lame.
Here are the Saturday morning line ups for the 3 major networks back in the 70's when you actually had to decided which station you wanted to watch on Saturday morning. And this was before the VCR, so there was no watching one and taping another. Must have been tough!

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