Sunday, October 01, 2006

Great Killer Longhorn

What's hanging on your bathroom wall? I have this really cool Rhaphipodus Hopei (Great Killer Longhorn) hanging on mine.
It's amazing what you can find at a Salvation Army thrift shop. My local Salvation Army had a window full of bugs, and butterflies all shadow boxed and labeled as if they had come from a museum. I went on the Saturday morning when the window display went on sale, and this was the only item I was able to purchase. I got there 30 minutes before the store opened, and there was already about 15 people ahead of me, and they were all there for the bugs and butterflies.
The one I was able to purchase is framed in a 8 1/2 x 11 inch shadow box, and has a small label with the Rhaphipodus Hopei name, followed by Great Killer Longhorn, and finally a name in Japanese. Unfortunately when I looked up Rhaphipodus Hopei in Google, I did not find a my bug, but something that looked more like a beetle. Apparently it looks like I bought something that was mislabelled. O well... Great Killer Longhorn is a pretty cool name for the cool bug I have hanging on my bathroom wall!

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