Wednesday, March 19, 2008

More Corn Gone Wrong

I bought a pile of used comic books today, and while flipping though them, I found a few more Corn Nuts ads from 2000. Back in March of last year, I posted a Corn Nuts ad, with the slogan "Corn Gone Wrong". Turns out, there was more than one ad with this campaign slogan.
Tonight, I present two more of the very funny Corn Gone Wrong ads.
The first is "Biker Corn" which is from Action Comics, issue #779.
The second one, "Fiery Corn" is from the back page of Superman, issue #168.
If you would like to check out the first one I posted, check out this link.
Now that I have found these two new Corn Nuts ads, I will be on the lookout for more whenever I am flipping though any comics from 2000. And I still stand by my thought that these Corn Gone Wrong characters would make for a great animated cartoon on Adult Swim!

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