Thursday, March 20, 2008

Update to Yesterdays Post

After my post the other night, I was really keen check out a package of Corn Nuts. I am sure I have had them before in the past, but not in many, many years. So, last night on my way to see Ace Frehley in concert, we stopped at a 7-11 and I picked up a package of "original" Corn Nuts. After one bag, I was hooked.
On the way home from the show, we stopped at 7-11 again, and I picked up two more packages, which have both now been consumed. I tried to get my friends to try them on the way home, but both said that just the smell of them was enough for them. To me, the smell was quite intoxicating. To them, it was quite awful. At least I tried.
I finished the last package of Corn Nuts this morning while watching Woody Woodpecker cartoons with my 3 year old son Kaden. He gobbled them down as quickly as I would give them to him, so it looks like both of us are now hooked.
I also spent some time on the web site, where I they have a great collection of their print ads. Click here to check out all 7 of the Corn Gone Wrong ads, along with a few others.

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