Dark Horse just published a 4 issue mini series of Groo titled Groo the Hogs of Horder. I read issues #1 and 2 and passed both along to my mom, but I had not read issue 3 yet. When I came home with issue 4 I realized that I had never passed issue 3 along to my mom, so I gave her both 3 and 4 before I had a chance to read them. A day or two later when I picked them up, she said, "Wow, you have a letter in there!" which was news to me! I quickly snagged the comic from her and flipped to the back to have a look at the letters page, and right there on the first page was a letter from Ronn Roxburgh... wowee! There was even a response from Mark Evanier and a silly little drawing to go along with it! This is so cool as I am a big fan of both Sergio and Mark. Have been reading the Groo comics since the first appearance in Destroyer Duck and I visit Mark's blog every day!
I was thrilled to get my letter in a Groo comic book, and I didn't even have to mention the word 'mulch'.

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