Monday, April 26, 2010

Little Golden Book Monday #119

Little Golden Book - We Help MommyOk, so I have managed to escape from the zombies and am back for another Little Golden Book Monday. Today's book is We Help Mommy, originally from 1959, but I have no idea what year this edition is from. It has a UPC code on the front, so it is obviously not 1959, but as so many other Little Golden Books, this one doesn't seem to have a a date of printing. I have done a little Googeling to see if I could find a simple way to figure out what year a LGB was printed, but there doesn't seem to be a simple way to figure it out every time. If anyone knows of a simple way to date this and other Little Golden Books, let me know!
I particularly liked this illustration of Bobby and Martha at the grocery store. Apparently little Bobby is a fan of Little Golden Books... OR kittens... OR Little Golden Books about kittens.Little Golden Book - We Help Mommy

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