Monday, May 03, 2010

Little Golden Book Monday #120

Today's Little Golden Book is Walt Disney's Cinderella. This is a nice reprint, originally published in a slightly different form by Simon and Schuster in 1950. Once again, this is a LGB that doesn't seem to have an actual print date listed, but my best guess is that it is from the past 4 or 5 years.
From the the back cover: Dear Reader, Each of us remembers our own favorite Little Golden Book. I've searched our archives for the best Little Golden Books ever published to bring back as keepsake editions. You've just selected one! I'm sure this cherished classic will delight parents and grand parents as well as today's fun-loving kids. After all, lively, satisfying stories never go out of style. Look for your favorite Little Golden Book Classic! Sincerely, Diane Muldrow, Editor.
I have been meaning to pick this up for a while and finally found this copy at a local thrift shop in perfect condition, earlier today.

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