What is my biggest memory of Christmas as a young child? The Sears Christmas Wishbook of course. When the Wishbook showed up on your doorstep some time in early October, it was time to get excited about Christmas! I can remember spending countless hours sitting with the Wishbok and a stack of various coloured pens to mark the toys I wanted, really wanted, and had to have! By the time Christmas day rolled around, at least half the toys in the toy section had some sort of mark beside them, with many having multiple marks, cross outs, new marks, and special notes to whoever might be looking at this before the big day!
I haven't seen a Sears Wishbook for a few years now and had almost forgotten about it until a Sears Wishbook CD showed up at our house this year. It got me to thinking about all the fun I used to have as a child sitting with the catalog for hours ogling all the toys! unfortuently with this new format, kids today won't be able to sit in their rooms, pens in hand, making marks on all the stuff that catches their eye.
I still have all of our old Wishbooks, and still get a kick out of flipping though them and seeing all the marks I made in them, not to mention seeing all the great old toys that I still have fun ogling today!
For those of you who would like to relive the magic of flipping though an old Wishbook, you can check out this great Sears Wishbook 1979 - photoset on Flickr. Have fun, and Merry Christmas!
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